
How To Defeat Trinity Seeker In Final Fantasy 14

Delubrum Reginae is the second dungeon in Final Fantasy 14's Bozjan Southern Front. Completing this dungeon is a necessary part of continuing the Save the Queen questline, but the difficulty of its bosses can be off-putting.

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Let's take a look at this dungeon's first boss, Trinity Seeker. We'll go over each of Trinity Seeker's attacks, and how you can avoid them.

Trinity Seeker Walkthrough

The first boss of Delubrum Reginae bares a striking resemblance to Ravana, and will use similar attacks as the Primal. This fight will take place in a circular arena, with four barricades placed near the edge.

As with most other fights in this dungeon, entering the edge of the arena will inflict you with a stack of Twice-come Ruin. If you accumulate two stacks, you will additionally be inflicted with Doom, which will instantly kill you after a few seconds. Throughout Delubrum Reginae, avoid standing in or being knocked into the edge of the arenas.

Additionally, being hit by any of Trinity Seeker's attacks will apply Twice-come Ruin, so avoid each mechanic carefully.

Trinity Seeker will employ three different fighting styles, utilizing katana, greatsword, and barehanded attacks. He will switch between these forms using Verdant Path.

Below are the boss's attacks in each of its forms.

  • Verdant Tempest: The boss will deal damage to the entire raid that cannot be avoided. Healers should make sure to have raid-wide heals ready.
  • Verdant Path: Trinity Seeker will switch to a different form and immediately use an attack corresponding to his new form. The attack the boss uses depends on which form it transitions into, so pay attention to what weapon it equips.

Merciful Air (Katana)

The boss will start in this form and will wield four katanas. Later in the fight, the boss will swap back into this form, and will immediately attack with Act of Mercy.

  • Act of Mercy: Trinity Seeker will attack in a cross-shape from its center. Avoid this attack by being in the 'corner' of the boss as it switches to Merciful Air mode.
  • Mercy: The boss will charge up each of its four katanas, which all point to a different half of the arena. Watch the order the katanas are charged in, as the boss will then attack each half of the arena in that order with Mercy Fourfold. Stick close to the boss during this attack to be ready to dodge each strike.
  • Seasons of Mercy: Trinity Seeker will fill the arena with a checkerboard of attack markers. Between each line of AoEs, there will be a safe square to stand in to avoid this attack. At the same time, a floating orb will spawn that must be turned away from. Players that do not turn their backs to the orb will be inflicted with Petrification.

    • While dodging the line AoEs and looking away from the orb, a purple AoE ground marker will expand through the arena. This must be avoided by running away from it.

Baleful Air (Greatsword)

Trinity Seeker will equip two greatswords, granting access to the following attacks. Immediately after both greatswords are equipped, the boss will use Baleful Swathe.

  • Baleful Swathe: The boss will attack with two strikes that cover most of the arena. There will be a safe line down the center of the arena, so run there to avoid this attack.
  • Burning Chains: The boss will tether two players together with burning chains. This mechanic is similar to others you may have faced before, and must be avoided by having both players run away from each other to break the chain.
  • Baleful Blade: Trinity Seeker will deal damage to all players. This attack has a different effect depending on if the boss cast Phantom Edge beforehand. If the boss did not cast Phantom Edge before using Baleful Blade, this attack will instantly kill any player that is not protected by the barricades.
  • Phantom Edge: If the boss casts this move before using Baleful Blade, this attack will instead knock back every player. Stand in front of the barricades to avoid being pushed into the death zone.

Iron Air (Barehanded)

Trinity Seeker will drop its previous weapon and switch to a barehanded technique. Upon doing so, the boss will immediately use Iron Impact.

  • Iron Impact: The boss will place a line-stack marker on a random player. Group up under the marker to spread out the damage of this attack.
  • Iron Splitter: The boss will leap to a ring on the ground of the arena. After charging the attack, Trinity Seeker will deal damage to any players in a ring of the same color.

    • For example, if the boss uses this attack on the yellow ring, any players standing in any of the yellow rings on the arena will take damage. Pay attention to where the boss is and move accordingly to avoid this attack.
  • Dead Iron: Trinity Seeker will mark three random players and apply Earth Shaker to them. After a short delay, the boss will attack those players, dealing damage in a cone shape to any other players in the path of the attack. The boss will then repeat this process a second time. Avoid this attack by having the targeted players spread out from the rest of the party, and ensure no one is between the boss and the targeted players.


After defeating Trinity Seeker, a chest will appear that contains the following items.


  • 3 Bozjan Silver Coin

Chance to receive the following:

  • Field Notes on the Trinity Seeker
  • Forgotten Fragment of Clarity
  • Forgotten Fragment of Contention
  • Forgotten Fragment of Divinity
  • Forgotten Fragment of Finesse
  • Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude

Next: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Resistance Weapons

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